1. Personal Information
1.1. Surname: David
1.2. Forename: Fields
1.3. Age: 21
1.4. Date of Birth: 16/06/1989
1.5. Ethnicity: African-American.
1.6. Area of Residence: Jefferson.
1.7. Gender: Male.
1.8. Cellphone Number:
2. Medical Analysis
2.1. Medical Condition(s): Healthy.
2.2. Do you have any heart condition(s): Not at all, I have a healthy heart.
2.3. Do you have Asthma or any other respiratory problem(s): No, I don't.
3. Conviction Declaration
3.1. Have you been imprisoned or incarcerated for a Criminal Offense: No.
3.1.1. How long were you sentenced to?: N/A.
3.2. Do you hold a full Los Santos Driving License?: Yes, I do.
4. Suitability
4.1. Why do you want to be enlisted as a Police Officer? ((MINIMUM of 100 words)):
I want to join the LSPD because I believe I would be a major asset toward this association, using my abilities like.. my size, strength, and bravery to accomplish something in the force profession..
4.2. What are your career goals?((MINIMUM of 100 words)):
To help the citizens of Los Santos and keep the street clean from criminals and other bad behaviours, I wish to reach my goal of a clean and safe city.
4.3. Tell us a little about yourself ((MINIMUM of 400 words)):
Well, I was born in Brooklyn. Birth name David Fields,. Wasn't born in a big family and was the only child. Ever since then, I've been impressed by police officers around my neighborhood, and how they fight crime and are hard workers. My father was apart of some crime fighting association, they worked just like police officers. But they weren't they we're more like "Undercover" officers, But not apart of the police force they had higher authority than police officers. That inspired me because my dad always told me "Son I hope you one day grow up to enjoy what I do as a career" and I always kept that in mind. It became so interesting over the years that it was stuck in my head about becoming something that I really enjoyed seeing my father do, and I wanted to keep that career going through the family blood.
I found this show on the television that I would always watch. Its the TV show named "Cop" and watch how they fight crime an do their job, and even sometimes I bust my friends or attempt to be a cop while they're the bad guy, even though I got called weird an stuff. As I teenage boy, I would go on the internet and read about becoming a cop, and what the requirements were, as well as the pay. It seemed like a legit future to me so I set my mind to becoming one. Here I am, 21 years old, applying for the LSPD. I hope whoever reads this is generous enough to respect my life's goal and pursue in accepting this application, because it will be something you won't regret.
4.4. Additional information / Questions / Concerns:
5. References
5.1. Are you currently in employment?: Yes I'am.
5.2. If yes, what is your current occupation?:
Taxi driver
5.3. If you have any reference(s) from a current Officer of the LSPD, insert them here.
6. (( OOC Personal Information ))
6.1. Forename: Patrick
6.2. Age: 16
6.3. Year of Birth: 16 06 1994
6.4. Geographical location: Denmark
6.5. Gender: Male
6.6. Timezone: GMT +1
6.7. In-Game Level: 1
6.8. Do you posess any Law Enforcement Knowledge?: I do.
6.9. Past roleplay experience: Alot, PR-**, LS-** and a bunch more.
6.10. Picture of your Statistics ((/stats)): Will be uploaded soon as possible.
7. (( OOC Requirements Check ))
7.1. Do you have ventrilo?: Yes, I do.
7.2. Do you have a working microphone?: No sorry, not at this very moment.
7.3. Have you read the Los Santos Police Standard Operations Manual? Yes I have.
7.4. How much time do you play on the server in a week? [# of hours]: 12-16
7.5. Past Character Name(s) + Level(s): Not Available.
8. Declaration of Agreement
8.1. By submitting this application to the San Andreas Police Department, I, David Fields, declare that all information contained herein is true and correct. I understand that a background check will be performed. I agree not to inquire about my application either accepted or denied unless instructed to do so. I have provided this information myself, under consent of my own. I agree to ALL terms and conditions as set out in any policy or manual and understand that I may be discharged if it has been seen that I am unfit for duty or have violated any of the following, but not limited to: Policy, Manual, Term, Condition, or Order.